we value high-quality material above all else, and to that end, we occasionally
provide unique insights and other intriguing information from third-party
writers. Certain types of additional documents are acceptable as long as they
follow the guidelines outlined below.
Your material
can appear on our site in one of two ways: as a one-time guest post on a
particularly intriguing topic, or as a feature writer.
Guest posts
that fulfill our criteria are accepted: the post would be about a subject that
we haven't addressed on our site.
The content
must have been published elsewhere or be a slightly changed version of your
current content, such as a modest revision of a corporate blog post intended
for publication on our site.
It's critical
to have new perspectives. Must be about CNC routers and equipment, laser
printers and sculptors, program and everything CAD/CAM, and other types of
Use a format
that is appropriate for the subject. Some themes, for example, may be better
suited to an in-depth feature narrative and industry analysis, while others may
be better suited to a listicle.
We want to
come out as a nice, approachable expert when we write. When it comes to the
finer points, we never scrimp, but we also keep the pace light and upbeat.
should be at least 1,000 words long. However, the quality of the material and
keeping momentum throughout an article are critical - 500 exciting words are
significantly superior to 1,500 fluff words. Must be correctly formatted for
publication, including accurate H2/H3 titles, short-ish paragraphs, modest file
sizes with beautiful graphics, and so on.
In order to pick up a guest post, just contact
Please contact us if you are a CNC expert who is as enthusiastic
as we are about the technologies that will impact our futures (and like getting
hired to post about them!). We're constantly looking to expand our staff of dedicated and
creative writers that can uphold the high expectations we set for content
Prior work in a specific topic we cover, such as Numerical
control, laser etching and embossing, vinyl cutter, software, 3d printers or
design, and other similar industries, can help you stand out. Masterful
storytelling abilities: able to convey technical subjects clearly and concisely
while conjuring up powerful visual images in our readers' imaginations.
Prior experience writing the following sorts of articles: in-depth story
stories, listicles, guidelines, and buyer's guides. Experience in digital marketing and SEO, as well as affiliate marketing.
We work as a team to design the topic we'll cover, and compensation are
made at a defined rate per word, plus bonuses for high-performing content and
advancement prospects.
Please contact us for additional details.
You can contact us: